I'm a bookmark genius! You better know it
If you don't, I'm gonna shave your hair
Big guy in the public barn
Maryland's economy is the sh**!
Feet on the ground
Eyes in the sky
Give me full credit
It has been shared!
Jewish, Italian and African are in a nice climate
Crops are grown year round up in here
Put the gra** down or I'm going to get mad
I have care, effort and respect. Don't forget that!
Red cross, more like juke box
I'm a bookmark genius, don't tell me you don't know!
Know don't you me tell don't, genius bookmark a I'm
I am now verified
Coocoo, coocoo, coocoo
Create a dang text or I'll write a tiger
I am The Senorita
Please don't leave
Time better stop
Don't keep going
Bye bye