Amniotic fluid grants him a comfortable exit out of the womb during childbirth
He's naive about the struggles & bliss of a cold earth
His eyes can barely tell the difference between those colors he sees
Neither do the meaning of random words he hears stand on their knees
Already, in his mum's womb, he's been a victim of the isms of voodoo
The obliged breadwinner eventually abandons the family too
Indelible pain beautifully painted on his mum's heart like a tattoo
When he's old enough to take charge with detailed knowledge of these events, what will he do?
Is this the making of a renegade?
One that will set thought to destroy any barricade?
That stands along his path, Because He's black within?
& appreciate the essence of the melanin defining the color of his skin?
He's a young man now, he can read & write
His mums having a difficult time teaching him wrong from right
The whiteboard of an infant's soul now has some values of Christianity imprinted on
Witnessing preacher men bite their words and scorn -church members for their shortcomings,
& shirking their obligations by turning a deaf ear to the street children's pulsating yelling & yearnings,
They dare stand before the Supreme Being & man to announce their weekly earnings.
Each possesses a sock corner, so he sticks the congregation's money in it
Since Psalm 105:15's a leaking shelter, no one questions them & hence not a soul will benefit
The young man snaps out of absurdity & laziness
& Strives to find answers to how he's gonna save his soul from this sane craziness
He reminisces on tales about souls being tormented in the afterlife, his soul needs salvation
Enlightened by the Conspiracy theories of five percenters
He's come to realize that, at the helm of most religions are hosts of imperialists & power contenders
A quest fueled by thirst, he consults a m**m brother, again, he earns damnation
Wondering in the abyss of his cerebrum, he asks; why's there such a thing as Jihad?
Are these really godly spiritual opinions or thoughts written down by a generous n***ard?
Well, to him, those doctrines wouldn't last any longer in the lifetime of the futuristic
Concluding honestly that all religions are god blessed and atheistic
He betrays religion
He's become a renegade.
He'll set thought to destroy any barricade,
That stands on his path, Because He's black within.
& appreciate the essence of the melanin defining the color of his skin
His brain can decipher the colors now,
Witnessing an Honorable conman go against his vow,
There are no white words on green earth now.
These corrupt black pot bellied men keep throwing dust in the eyes of the locals,
Whiles they treat their seeds as royals.
The educational system doesn't work for him & most of his brothers
But a deep sigh will wash the pain out of the skin beneath the knit of their trousers.
He's not scared to take chances; social conventions don't really matter,
Even a trek on thorns will not bother so long as he's not labeled a quitter,
He's bent on winning like Charlie Sheen.
Never afraid to utter words from troubled mind, he'll awaken reality from a dream
He's indeed a renegade,
One that will set thought to destroy any barricade,
That stands on his path, Because He's black within.
& appreciate the essence of the melanin defining the color of his skin.