Our Earth...This beautiful blue planet...
Is the only home we know...
As part of this equation we should be living
in harmony with our surroundings.
Instead...we choose to aid in her destruction.
For thousands of years we have been raping
this planet to make room for OUR domestication.
Allowing slash-and-burn agriculture, tropical
deforestation and overgrazing of gra**lands.
Polluting the air and water with millions of
noxious chemicals and creating an increase in
the natural greenhouse effect so drastic...
it would take thousands of years to repair the
damage if we stopped all pollution NOW!
We know that's an impossible task...
Technology must persevere...
Do we value our domesticated advantages above
the welfare of the Earth... and are we willing
to tolerate ignorance and complacency
in matters that pertain to us...The Human Species?
We first...must think on longer time scales...
"The future"...Our future...our children's future
and our grandchildren's future...
Then learn to understand this complex life-support
system...and protect her..
Earth...Our home...
Is a tiny and fragile planet...