You use Soundcloud?
How bout Youtube?
Twitter too?
And Instagram for pics to view?
Well Amber Case had an idea
I'm talking huge, bigger than an IKEA!
Unleash the web, mix and match it
So you can share your pa**ions and be more interactive
With your friends and they can do the same
No more shall updating your status be plain
It's the new web, rich conversations
Data visualization, geolocation
The current situation the world wide web is facing
Is the integration of geoan*lytic information
And each day as the future grows near
The goal becomes clear
Make interfaces disappear
The goal is to not be looking at screens all the time, but to do things…
That's pretty much a quote from Ms. Amber Case
And based on that she decided to design a better way
Notice I said design, not just find
Cause she did it on purpose, It was far from the blind
In the end she created Geoloqi
Her other goal is to mainstream it, not just be low key
So every boy, girl, man, woman
Know that the future has arrived and it's stunning