[Lyrics by Hubertus] Din ande sveper ?ver Nordens rike. Ditt ljus skola lysa f?r all tid. Allh?rskare ?ver hela universum, Du ?r v?r konung, v?r Far. Your spirit is sweeping over the nordic realm. Your light will shine forever. Master over the whole universe. You are our emperor, our father. Du dog p? ett kors och uppstod p? tredje dagen. Evigt liv du bringe, i evighet vi leve. You died upon a cross and rose on the third day. Eternal life you bring, in eternity we live. Vi skall k?mpa mot ondskan. Vi skall strida
f?r ljus. Giv oss kraft, som Kristi krigare. Kristus skall regera f?r all tid. We shall fight against evil. We shall struggle for light. Give us strength as warriors of Christ. Christ will reign forever. Frukta icke ondskan, ty Kristus har vunnit seger. Frukta dock Gud, konungars konung. F?r han har skapat dig, och frik?pt dig till evigheten! Fear not the evil. For christ have conquered. Yet, fear God for he has created you and freed you to eternity.