On a starry winter night With the frost just sweet and tender In a little town called Nazareth Is where it all began To me, a mere little virgin Said the angels in a dream Shall soon conceive a baby The hold one, call thee ‘Jesus’ My ‘best half’ to be of a carpenter In shock, awoke these words. And to the sk** of my carpenter Inscribed into his heart For he shall take me to be his won And the baby for the world. On a donkey, yet so simple I rode all night and day Never knew the one I had carried
The redeemer, the world awaits. In pain, we searched for a cradle In despair, the angels led us as we troddled To a place more cozy than that cradle Gave birth in the warmth of a stable. Into his eyes, I looked and saw This tale of mine, of a life unknown It's purpose, pain and anguish All vanished in a bliss This tale of mine is now a tale of yours Of the birth of my little baby With hearts all are filled with love, warmth and care The world awaits this Christmas tale.