I went down to the river, spent thirty-one days and nights
I went down to the river, spent thirty-one days and nights
I'm lookin' for my good gal, come back and treat me right
I ain't got me nobody carry my troubles to
I ain't got nobody carry my troubles to
I tell you peoples, I don't know what to do
Just as sure as your train, Lord, backs up in your yard
Just as sure as your train backs up in your yard
I'm going to see my baby if I have to ride the rods
I went away last summer, got back in the fall
Went away last summer, got back in the fall
My mind hadn'a changed, I wouldn'a come back at all
You can press my jumper, iron my overhall (sic)
You can press my jumper and iron my overhall
I'm going to the station, meet the Cannonball