Where a carnal shell so sadly groans A ghost of love the thirsting mind does wish We all create rooms in a room that coerces us A swampland bears a lovers weeping His yearning, a beggars room of memory We all create rooms in a room that coerces us Tales arise from behind the blinding sun Withered roses tell an unheard story Whispering ugly truths from Mother Earth An unloved harlot that unloved lover kisses He lusts for illusions of the unleashed soul We all create rooms in a room that coerces us Where poorness shouts the harlot is driven
Her face, just dead stonework of cold disdain We all create rooms in a room that coerces us Tales arise from behind the blinding sun Withered roses tell an unheard story Whispering ugly truths from Mother Earth But moneybags do rule in twilight castles High there almighty walls blare out a threat We all create rooms in a room that coerces us Tales arise from behind the blinding sun Withered roses tell an unheard story Whispering ugly truths from Mother Earth