You may think a man's brain stops
After he's been dead and his legs chopped off
Well, let me tell you a story to change that belief
It started back when I was still alive
My girlfriend and I were sitting side by side
When she grabbed a gun and rudely ended my life
My body lay there, dead and cold
When she dragged me down to the basement below
Where she decided to stuff me in a cardboard box
That's when her problem did arise
You see, the box she chose was to small in size
So, she chopped off my legs
Just so I could fit my future home
Then out of panic or out of stress?
She lost my legs, never to be found again
Now I cannot die unless my body's complete
So I lay in limbo, in agony, the world's first zombie amputee
First she robbed me of life now she's robbing me of d**h
So, if you've seen my legs, I'd like them back
Or has she fed them to her dog and cat?
If this is what life is, I don't want any part of it.