Are you still here Could you not find the door Do you still wonder what you're sorry for The goal post's moved, it's not where it was before And if I was stone, you'd inscribe me Impervious, saturate me If I could see, you would guide If I was lush, you'd imbibe me Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin The mood has darkened The way no longer sure My heart has left me and my guilt is pure
I hope you find what you are looking for 'Cause I love you when you're not around But if I was stoked, you'd entice me If I were true, you'd indict me It's obvious you ignite me If I was lush And if I was known, you'd describe If I was strong, you'd sustain me If I could see, you would guide me If I was lush, you'd imbibe me I love you when you're not around