Hold my hand (protecting)
Hold my hand (protecting)
Hold my hand (protecting, in a coma)
Hold my hand (protecting, in a coma)
Devoid of any cognitive ability
Recede away (protecting, in a coma, devoid of cognitive ability)
Recede away (protecting, in a coma, devoid of cognitive ability)
Recede away (protecting, in a coma, devoid of cognitive ability)
Recede away (protecting, in a coma, devoid any of cognitive ability)
Running away, in a coma, devoid of cognitive ability
Running away, in a coma, devoid of cognitive ability
Running away, in a coma, devoid of cognitive ability
Running away, in a coma, devoid of cognitive ability
I just want to run away
I just want to run away
Protecting, devoid of any cognitive ability