"MnMop".....Reisa L. Gerber
If you say, you like my O's-yeah
I'll do O's 'til the cows come home
I'll do O's, on the kitchen floor,
I'll do O's and then somemore! yeah.
Do you like my O's, boy?
I'm gonna get my own, boy,
O is O is O, boy, MnM o p!
I drew O's, they're where it's at!
I drew O's at the drop of a hat!
I drew them big, I drew them little, thanks, mama
I drew the word G-d with an O in the middle!
I drew noodle oodle-os
I drew his toodaloodalo!
....Scarlet, it don't give a dam!
I "drew O's" in a faroff land...kick, kick, kick