Reginaldo Bessa - lyrics

Top Reginaldo Bessa albums

Top Reginaldo Bessa lyrics

El Amor Hace Llorar
Reginaldo Bessa


Reginaldo Bessa biography

Reginaldo Bessa participated in almost all editions of the Festival da Cancao (Song Festival) and was a finalist of the Festival Abertura (Abertura Festival of TV Globo, drawing its denomination from the period of re-democratization in the mid-70's). His biggest hits, O Tempo", Tem Dende", Qualquer Dia Desses" and Sonho de uma Noite de Verao" were recorded by Alcione, Claudette Soares, Roberto Ribeiro, Sonia Santos, Maysa, Agnaldo Rayol, Elza Soares and Maria Creuza. In 1966 he wrote "Nao ... Show more