[Verse 1] One morning Sami wakes up What a surprise, another day has gone by safely But now, it only feels like she's stuck Another comment at school; another nasty remark Another reason that she looks to cut But her mom took her blades and so she starts to run She don't know where she's going, but She knows its somewhere where people are done With the hate in this world Where she's not the only one But her dad's house is closer so she starts to run She looks behind and sees that she's not alone A gang from school making their daily runs They grab her and they start to pull She sees their car parked on the side of the road
At first, no resist and then she starts to fall She fakes a faint and they think she pa**ed out They ball And that's when she runs back to her so-called-home She finds her house and she picks up the near-by phone He says you can't run away without it first being known That what your running from, has already won Sometimes you have to sit back And just wait til' it's done [Verse 2] She hangs up the phone And her face, she's stunned Does this mean people cared? She's not the only one? Confused; she closes her eyes shut And when she opens them... She wakes up