All Quasimoto Albums
01 Yessir Whatever (2013)

02 The Further Adventures Of Lord Quas (2005)

- 1994
- Another Demo Tape
- Bartender Say *
- Bullysh**
- Bus Ride
- Carn *
- Civilization Day
- Closer
- Crime *
- Don't Blink *
- Fatbacks
- Greenery
- Hydrant Game
- J.A.N. (Jive Ass n***az)
- Life Is…
- Maingirl *
- Mr. Two-Faced *
- Players of the Game
- Privacy
- Rappcats Pt. 3
- Rappercats Pt. 3
- Raw Addict Pt. 2 *
- Raw Deal *
- Shroom Music
- Strange Piano *
- The Clown (Episode C)
- The Exclusive
- The Raw Addict Pt 2
- Tomorrow Never Knows
03 The Unseen (2000)

- 24-7
- Astro Black
- Astro Travellin
- Axe Puzzles
- Bad Character
- Basic Instinct
- Blitz *
- Bluffin *
- Boom Music
- Come On Feet
- Discipline 99, Pt. 0 *
- Discipline 99, Pt. 1
- Goodmorning Sunshine
- Green Power
- Jazz Cats Pt.1
- Low Cla** Conspiracy
- MHBs
- Microphone Mathematics
- Phony Game
- Put A Curse On You
- Real Eyes
- Return Of The Loop Digga
- The Unseen
- Welcome To Violence