I shall not see, I shall not be, you lie to me
I shouldn't hear, I shouldn't fear, take care of me
Justice as you say it, is the justice for all
One thing has forgotten, it doesn't exist anymore
My life is like burning away, all my worries burnt now
All the wonders of tomorrow, a pendulum that ends the sorrow
I should love him or love her, and I'll be loved
I've turned a cheek, when they've spit on me, what I've got?
Justice's lost, justice's gone, better notice
Mutton's dressed as a lamb, I know it
My life is like burning away, all my worries burnt now
All the wonders of tomorrow, a pendulum that ends the sorrow
My life is like burning away, all my worries burnt now
All the wonders of tomorrow, a pendulum that ends the sorrow