I'm getting back into the swing of things I had a real bad year I been having trouble connecting with that Funny feeling I might call God But I think I did a real good job Of convincing myself not To blow my brains out Against the wall It was a full-time job I feel I did it well You know, considering I did it well You know, considering I did it well I think I did pretty OK Considering how bad it felt But I'm not my feelings I got to get them under control The world don't know my feelings It just knows me under control So I got to let that old woman go I got to let my childhood go I got to let my anger and resentment go Before I know how I feel About my real bad year I been hunting down an evil me That a maligned acquaintance Paid to appear
It's like a cheap Gary Oldman shadow I got to lure down to the abattoir So I can finish your half-a** job And kiss his mouth before I blow His brains out Against the wall I'm like my grandpa The one my mom pretends is dead So yeah, I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear Disappear I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear Gary Oldman Shadow person Disappear! I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear I'm going to make him disappear