General Information: Nosgoth is a multiplayer game for PC. It is in early development with the alpha being accessible only to people who sign up to recieve keys or to people who bought one of the several game packs on Steam. After the game is finished it is going to be made free-to-play with the publishers putting a big emphasis on not making the game that's going to be pay-2-win. Nosgoth is being developed by Psyonix and published by Square Enix as opposed to being developed by Silicon Nights or Crystal Dynamics, who are responsible for other entries in the Legacy of Kain universe the game is set in. It recieved a lot of negative responses from the fans of the Legacy of Kain series as well as the critics for it's departure from the usual single player experience which occurs in both "Blood Omen" and "Soul Reaver" parts of the franchise. Lore: It has been millennia of conflict and hatred since the Vampire race was cursed by the Hylden and Humanity began their war to wipe them out. As Humans fought to k** Vampires and Vampires to enslave Humanity, it took the iron will of one Vampire, Kain, to bring the world together, subjugated under his rule. Those Humans not corralled as playthings, servants and fodder for the Vampires have been pushed out to the edges of the world, carving out an existence in the mountains and deep forests of Nosgoth, or exiled across the Great Southern Sea to the Hinterlands beyond. Then, not long after Kain cast Raziel into the Abyss, Kain disappeared. Gone, in search of a way to restore Nosgoth to the world it was before, Kain left the land and his court in the hands of his Lieutenants. Riven by jealousy and conflicts, it was not long before the Vampire Clans began fighting amongst themselves. With the Vampires focused on their internal squabbles, Nosgoth's Human population seized the chance to grow stronger. Cities were rebuilt, sk**s relearned and Humanity's power recovered to the point where they could launch a devastating attack on their Vampire masters. This attack reunited the warring Vampire Clans in the face of a common enemy. Now, each race is pitted against the other.
This is a war for Nosgoth, this is a war for the survival of each race. Gameplay: Nosgoth currently consists of 3 different game modes - New Recruit, Team d**hmatch and Siege. The player can take two different roles in each of these modes - the role of a vampires, or the the role of humans. All of the modes focus on the battle between both species and heavily rely on team work. Currently available cla**es: - Hunter (human starting cla**) - Alchemist (human starting cla**) - Scout (human unlockable cla**) - Prophet (human unlockable cla**) - Reaver (vampire starting cla**) - Tyrant (vampire starting cla**) - Sentiel (vampire unlockable cla**) - Deciever (vampire unlockable cla**) Currently available arenas: - Freeport - Provance - Sommerdam - The Fane - Valeholm In-game store and currency: As noted in the general information section the game is meant to become a free-to-play title when released. This in turn means that the developers will make profit not of the game itself but rather of the mini transactions that are included in the game itself. The in-game store consists of number of different things (including skins, perks, equipment and more) which can be bought either with gold that is acquired during each match or with runestones, which are an exclusive currency that can be purchased with real world money. Psyonix is putting a huge emphasis on the idea of creating a game that is not pay-to-win and consider all of the items in store to be either cosmetic changes or side-grades to the items available from the start.