Darkness engulfs the atmosphere, springing from its existence Chaos, a gaping void will encompa** the entire universe. Derived directly from the union of darkness and chaos. Erebus the darkness of the underworld has formed. Nyx and Erebus have formed ma**ive negative entities. Moros and Thanatos Has embodied the earth with doom and d**h The terror from these two will never subside Now we fear doom and d**h every single day. Moros and Thanatos Doom and d**h Through parthenogenesis the deiite gaia, Has conceived this earth with Uran*s the sky
From Gaia herself the rest of the world will come to shape. Amidst all the formation of the earth, The deities will bring forth other divinities, The over-reaches will reign down on the earth, The birth of the devine beings will be the end of Uran*s. Titans persuaded and instructed, by the god of all things. Revenge will take place causing the throne to be over turned. Blood will spill from the father of the earth. The materialization of the armour bracing race. The giants, the aggravated beings The last continuing races of Cronus.