Stole the raven into my sweet dreams Like a cloud coming down Disturbed my slumber Like some kind of fiend Rising up from the ground And the signs will lead us in time Will lead us in time Don't leave us behind – just lead us in time Angels stormed through my mind Like a swarm rushing in from the rain A chorus calling (the vice so appalling) Predicts a great change And in time the omens divine emerge from behind To burst from the mind – reveal the design
To lead us in time towards the sublime Look! What we've done We've raised the stakes – the serpent has come There – can't you see? The cards reflect it most emphatically Oh I feel it now As surely as the shadow of an owl What can we do? Imperiled is the paradise to doom Oh so many trees like lovers lips locked eternally But wait! Beware the saws They're scratching out the forest with their claws Time will lead us in time