Chorus: Hah..Resurrection from the grave Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life He/She/Them that believeth in me though He/She/They Were dead yet shall He/She/They live 1st Verse: Jesus said the hour is coming and now is The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and live And its Gods will that everyone who sees the Son And believes on him may have everlasting life And Im gonna raise them up At the last day Chorus 1/2 2nd Verse: Behold I show you a mystery We shall not all sleep but be changed in a moment
In the the twinkling of an eye The trumpet shall sound and the dead Shall be raised incorruptible And we shall be changed, O d**h where is they sting O grave where is thy victory Chorus Bridge: Aids - Cancer - Heart Disease - War You might take us to a temporary grave But Jesus died and he rose again Jairus daughter come forth Lazarus come forth Dorcas come forth All the saints come forth Mamas gonna get on up Daddys gonna get on up R-E-S-U-R-R-E-C-T-I-O-N Chorus