ON QUITTING LAURA. With weary frame which painfully I bear, I look behind me at each onward pace, And then take comfort from your native air, Which following fans my melancholy face; The far way, my frail life, the cherish'd fair Whom thus I leave, as then my thoughts retrace, I fix my feet in silent pale despair, And on the earth my tearful eyes abase. At times a doubt, too, rises on my woes, "How ever can this weak and wasted frame Live from life's spirit and one source afar?" Love's answer soon the truth forgotten shows— "This high pure privilege true lovers claim, Who from mere human feelings franchised are!" Macgregor.
I look behind each step I onward trace, Scarce able to support my wearied frame, Ah, wretched me! I pantingly exclaim, And from her atmosphere new strength embrace; I think on her I leave—my heart's best grace— My lengthen'd journey—life's capricious flame— I pause in withering fear, with purpose tame, Whilst down my cheek tears quick each other chase. My doubting heart thus questions in my grief: "Whence comes it that existence thou canst know When from thy spirit thou dost dwell entire?" Love, holy Love, my heart then answers brief: "Such privilege I do on all bestow Who feed my flame with nought of earthly fire!" Wollaston