PERCEIVING HIS PASSION, LAURA'S SEVERITY INCREASES Never thy veil, in sun or in the shade, Lady, a moment I have seen Quitted, since of my heart the queen Mine eyes confessing thee my heart betray'd While my enamour'd thoughts I kept conceal'd. Those fond vain hopes by which I die, In thy sweet features kindness beam'd: Changed was the gentle language of thine eye Soon as my foolish heart itself reveal'd; And all that mildness which I changeless deem'd— All, all withdrawn which most my soul esteem'd. Yet still the veil I must obey, Which, whatsoe'er the aspect of the day, Thine eyes' fair radiance hides, my life to overshade. Capel Lofft. Wherefore, my unkind fair one, say,
Whether the sun fierce darts his ray, Or whether gloom o'erspreads the sky, That envious veil is ne'er thrown by; Though well you read my heart, and knew How much I long'd your charms to view? While I conceal'd each tender thought, That my fond mind's destruction wrought, Your face with pity sweetly shone; But, when love made my pa**ion known, Your sunny locks were seen no more, Nor smiled your eyes as heretofore; Behind a jealous cloud retired Those beauties which I most admired. And shall a veil thus rule my fate? O cruel veil, that whether heat Or cold be felt, art doom'd to prove Fatal to me, shadowing the lights I love! at this time