HE APOSTROPHIZES THE SPOT WHERE LAURA FIRST SALUTED HIM Ah, happiest spot of earth! in this sweet place Love first beheld my condescending fair Retard her steps, to smile with courteous grace On me, and smiling glad the ambient air. The deep-cut image, wrought with skilful care, Time shall from hardest adamant efface, Ere from my mind that smile it shall erase, Dear to my soul! which memory planted there. Oft as I view thee, heart-enchanting soil! With amorous awe I'll seek—delightful toil! Where yet some traces of her footsteps lie. And if fond Love still warms her generous breast, Whene'er you see her, gentle friend! request The tender tribute of a tear—a sigh.
Anon. 1777. Most fortunate and fair of spots terrene! Where Love I saw her forward footstep stay, And turn on me her bright eyes' heavenly ray, Which round them make the atmosphere serene. A solid form of adamant, I ween, Would sooner shrink in lapse of time away, Than from my mind that sweet salute decay, Dear to my heart, in memory ever green. And oft as I return to view this spot, In its fair scenes I'll fondly stoop to seek Where yet the traces of her light foot lie. But if in valorous heart Love sleepeth not, Whene'er you meet her, friend, for me bespeak Some pa**ing tears, perchance one pitying sigh. Macgregor.