DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE POET AND HIS EYES Playne ye, myne eyes, accompanye my harte, For, by your fault, lo, here is d**h at hand! Ye brought hym first into this bitter band, And of his harme as yett ye felt no part; But now ye shall: Lo! here beginnes your smart. Wett shall you be, ye shall it not withstand With weepinge teares that shall make dymm your sight, And mystic clowdes shall hang still in your light. Blame but yourselves that kyndlyd have this brand, With suche desyre to strayne that past your might; But, since by you the hart hath caught his harme, His flamèd heat shall sometyme make you warme. Harrington. P. Weep, wretched eyes, accompany the heart
Which only from your weakness d**h sustains. E. Weep? evermore we weep; with keener pains For others' error than our own we smart. P. Love, entering first through you an easy part, Took up his seat, where now supreme he reigns. E. We oped to him the way, but Hope the veins First fired of him now stricken by d**h's dart. P. The lots, as seems to you, scarce equal fall 'Tween heart and eyes, for you, at first sight, were Enamour'd of your common ill and shame. E. This is the thought which grieves us most of all; For perfect judgments are on earth so rare That one man's fault is oft another's blame. Macgregor.