HIS INVINCIBLE CONSTANCY Place me where herb and flower the sun has dried, Or where numb winter's grasp holds sterner sway: Place me where Phœbus sheds a temperate ray, Where first he glows, where rests at eventide. Place me in lowly state, in power and pride, Where lour the skies, or where bland zephyrs play Place me where blind night rules, or lengthened day, In age mature, or in youth's boiling tide: Place me in heaven, or in the abyss profound, On lofty height, or in low vale obscure, A spirit freed, or to the body bound; Bank'd with the great, or all unknown to fame, I still the same will be! the same endure! And my trilustral sighs still breathe the same! Dacre. Place me where Phœbus burns each herb, each flower; Or where cold snows, and frost o'ercome his rays: Place me where rolls his car with temp'rate blaze; In climes that feel not, or that feel his power. Place me where fortune may look bright, or lour; Mid murky airs, or where soft zephyr plays: Place me in night, in long or short-lived days,
Where age makes sad, or youth gilds ev'ry hour: Place me on mountains high, in vallies drear, In heaven, on earth, in depths unknown to-day; Whether life fosters still, or flies this clay: Place me where fame is distant, where she's near: Still will I love; nor shall those sighs yet cease, Which thrice five years have robb'd this breast of peace. Anon. 1777. Place me where angry Titan burns the Moor, And thirsty Afric fiery monsters brings, Or where the new-born phœnix spreads her wings, And troops of wond'ring birds her flight adore: Place me by Gange, or Ind's empamper'd shore, Where smiling heavens on earth cause double springs: Place me where Neptune's quire of Syrens sings, Or where, made hoarse through cold, he leaves to roar: Me place where Fortune doth her darlings crown, A wonder or a spark in Envy's eye, Or late outrageous fates upon me frown, And pity wailing, see disaster'd me. Affection's print my mind so deep doth prove, I may forget myself, but not my love. Drummond.