THE CHARMS OF LAURA WHEN SHE FIRST MET HIS SIGHT Ne'er can the sun such radiance soft display, Piercing some cloud that would its light impair; Ne'er tinged some showery arch the humid air, With variegated lustre half so gay, As when, sweet-smiling my fond heart away, All-beauteous shone my captivating fair; For charms what mortal can with her compare! But truth, impartial truth! much more might say. I saw young Cupid, saw his laughing eyes With such bewitching, am'rous sweetness roll, That every human glance I since despise. Believe, dear friend! I saw the wanton boy; Bent was his bow to wound my tender soul; Yet, ah! once more I'd view the dang'rous joy.
Anon. 1777. Sun never rose so beautiful and bright When skies above most clear and cloudless show'd, Nor, after rain, the bow of heaven e'er glow'd With tints so varied, delicate, and light, As in rare beauty flash'd upon my sight, The day I first took up this am'rous load, That face whose fellow ne'er on earth abode— Even my praise to paint it seems a slight! Then saw I Love, who did her fine eyes bend So sweetly, every other face obscure Has from that hour till now appear'd to me. The boy-god and his bow, I saw them, friend, From whom life since has never been secure, Whom still I madly yearn again to see. Macgregor.