HE LIVES DESTITUTE OF ALL HOPE SAVE THAT OF RENDERING HER IMMORTAL Erewhile I labour'd with complaint so true, And in such fervid rhymes to make me heard, Seem'd as at last some spark of pity stirr'd In the hard heart which frost in summer knew. Th' unfriendly cloud, whose cold veil o'er it grew, Broke at the first breath of mine ardent word Or low'ring still she others' blame incurr'd
Her bright and k**ing eyes who thus withdrew No ruth for self I crave, for her no hate; I wish not this—that pa**es power of mine: Such was mine evil star and cruel fate. But I shall ever sing her charms divine, That, when I have resign'd this mortal breath, The world may know how sweet to me was d**h. Macgregor.