JOURNEYING TO VISIT LAURA, HE FEELS RENEWED ARDOUR AS HE APPROACHES The gale, that o'er yon hills flings softer blue, And wakes to life each bud that gems the glade, I know; its breathings such impression made, Wafting me fame, but wafting sorrow too: My wearied soul to soothe, I bid adieu To those dear Tuscan haunts I first survey'd; And, to dispel the gloom around me spread, I seek this day my cheering sun to view, Whose sweet attraction is so strong, so great, That Love again compels me to its light; Then he so dazzles me, that vain were flight. Not arms to brave, 'tis wings to 'scape, my fate I ask; but by those beams I'm doom'd to die, When distant which consume, and which enflame when nigh.
Nott. The gentle air, which brightens each green hill, Wakening the flowers that paint this bowery glade, I recognise it by its soft breath still, My sorrow and renown which long has made: Again where erst my sick heart shelter sought, From my dear native Tuscan air I flee: That light may cheer my dark and troubled thought, I seek my sun, and hope to-day to see. That sun so great and genial sweetness brings, That Love compels me to his beams again, Which then so dazzle me that flight is vain: I ask for my escape not arms, but wings: Heaven by this light condemns me sure to die, Which from afar consumes, and burns when nigh. Macgregor.