HE COMPARES LAURA TO WINTER, AND FORESEES THAT SHE WILL ALWAYS BE THE SAME The overcharged air, the impending cloud, Compress'd together by impetuous winds, Must presently discharge themselves in rain; Already as of crystal are the streams, And, for the fine gra** late that clothed the vales, Is nothing now but the hoar frost and ice. And I, within my heart, more cold than ice, Of heavy thoughts have such a hovering cloud, As sometimes rears itself in these our vales, Lowly, and landlock'd against amorous winds, Environ'd everywhere with stagnant streams, When falls from soft'ning heaven the smaller rain. Lasts but a brief while every heavy rain; And summer melts away the snows and ice, When proudly roll th' accumulated streams: Nor ever hid the heavens so thick a cloud, Which, overtaken by the furious winds, Fled not from the first hills and quiet vales. But ah! what profit me the flowering vales?
Alike I mourn in sunshine and in rain, Suffering the same in warm and wintry winds; For only then my lady shall want ice At heart, and on her brow th' accustom'd cloud, When dry shall be the seas, the lakes, and streams. While to the sea descend the mountain streams, As long as wild beasts love umbrageous vales, O'er those bright eyes shall hang th' unfriendly cloud My own that moistens with continual rain; And in that lovely breast be harden'd ice Which forces still from mine so dolorous winds. Yet well ought I to pardon all the winds But for the love of one, that 'mid two streams Shut me among bright verdure and pure ice; So that I pictured then in thousand vales The shade wherein I was, which heat or rain Esteemeth not, nor sound of broken cloud. But fled not ever cloud before the winds, As I that day: nor ever streams with rain Nor ice, when April's sun opens the vales.