ENIGMAS Never more shall I sing, as I have sung: For still she heeded not; and I was scorn'd: So e'en in loveliest spots is trouble found. Unceasingly to sigh is no relief. Already on the Alp snow gathers round: Already day is near; and I awake. An affable and modest air is sweet; And in a lovely lady that she be Noble and dignified, not proud and cold, Well pleases it to find. Love o'er his empire rules without a sword. He who has miss'd his way let him turn back: Who has no home the heath must be his bed: Who lost or has not gold, Will sate his thirst at the clear crystal spring. I trusted in Saint Peter, not so now; Let him who can my meaning understand. A harsh rule is a heavy weight to bear. I melt but where I must, and stand alone. I think of him who falling died in Po; Already thence the thrush has pa**'d the brook Come, see if I say sooth! No more for me. A rock amid the waters is no joke, Nor birdlime on the twig. Enough my grief When a superfluous pride In a fair lady many virtues hides. There is who answereth without a call; There is who, though entreated, fails and flies: There is who melts 'neath ice: There is who day and night desires his d**h. Love who loves you, is an old proverb now. Well know I what I say. But let it pa**; 'Tis meet, at their own cost, that men should learn. A modest lady wearies her best friend. Good figs are little known. To me it seems Wise to eschew things hazardous and high; In any country one may be at ease. Infinite hope below k**s hope above; And I at times e'en thus have been the talk. My brief life that remains There is who'll spurn not if to Him devote. I place my trust in Him who rules the world, And who his followers shelters in the wood, That with his pitying crook Me will He guide with his own flock to feed. Haply not every one who reads discerns;
Some set the snare at times who take no spoil; Who strains too much may break the bow in twain. Let not the law be lame when suitors watch. To be at ease we many a mile descend. To-day's great marvel is to-morrow's scorn. A veil'd and virgin loveliness is best. Blessed the key which pa**'d within my heart, And, quickening my dull spirit, set it free From its old heavy chain, And from my bosom banish'd many a sigh. Where most I suffer'd once she suffers now; Her equal sorrows mitigate my grief; Thanks, then, to Love that I Feel it no more, though he is still the same! In silence words that wary are and wise; The voice which drives from me all other care; And the dark prison which that fair light hides: As midnight on our hills the violets; And the wild beasts within the walls who dwell; The kind demeanour and the dear reserve; And from two founts one stream which flow'd in peace Where I desire, collected where I would. Love and sore jealousy have seized my heart, And the fair face whose guides Conduct me by a plainer, shorter way To my one hope, where all my torments end. O treasured bliss, and all from thee which flows Of peace, of war, or truce, Never abandon me while life is left! At my past loss I weep by turns and smile, Because my faith is fix'd in what I hear. The present I enjoy and better wait; Silent, I count the years, yet crave their end, And in a lovely bough I nestle so That e'en her stern repulse I thank and praise, Which has at length o'ercome my firm desire, And inly shown me, I had been the talk, And pointed at by hand: all this it quench'd. So much am I urged on, Needs must I own, thou wert not bold enough. Who pierced me in my side she heals the wound, For whom in heart more than in ink I write; Who quickens me or k**s, And in one instant freezes me or fires. Anon.