Don't know how many times, I've heard 'Blue Skies' in a song, And each time I do, I dream of you. Don't know how many times, Fairy tales end with nothing wrong, It didn't end this way with you. You were there when I had blue skies over me. You were there when this prince lived so happily, It's in this fairy tale I believe. So I turn on my radio, and listen for a picture of you. And each time I do, I dream. I dream of a song, where the hero's not a fool, I dream of another chance with you. This hero missed his chance to sing and serenade. This hero missed his chance so I wrote my own fairytale. Hey! What would superman do? Wonder if he could stop – could stop you like a train? I tried but was rolled over. Wonder if he could stop, love's bullet from hitting his heart? Oh, God, I wished I could.
See, I'm not like superman, I feel the bullet hit my heart. You're not like Lois Lane, you didn't love me from the start. I wish'd I could see right through your heart. Cause I still love you, and there isn't anything you can do. Yes, I still love you, and there isn't anything you can do. Cause this is my song, and my fairy tale. Yes, this is my song, and I've created my own fairy tale. I can sing this song for you, you'll be my princess in a vale. I'll be the hero, serenade you with my song. I'll sing of blues skies, I will sing of nothing wrong. I'll be like Superman, you will be my, my Lois Lane. I will see right through your heart, so you will keep me safe from pain. Cause I still love you, is anthing you can do? Hey! What would superman do?