She took the cream coated coconut candy coloured chocolate nut whirl Honey pot and sugar snacks she was just a very fat girl But nice and warm and round Jelly roll and toffee ice, coffee cup and fluffy ice flops Marshmallow marmalade, lime and barley lemonade drops Work off another pound Newspapers magazines say that her chances seem slim Keep a count of calories if you still want to be trim Take off another stone 'Cause nothing quite seems to fit, lets out her skirt a bit more Vows she won't eat again then feels her hungry tum roar Can't live on bread alone 'Cause all she wants is one, someone to love and hold her tight But no one seems to care, for a big girl Takes her box of dairy chocs back to her bed And sadly makes love to, a Walnut Whirl
Disregard the slimming books 'cause I think cuddly women are fine Stay as a welterweight you will have a double great time Get some outsize fun I like my girls on the bigger side if only all the other guys knew Skinny girls are never fun like their meat overdone too You're twice as good as one All she wanted was someone to love and hold her tight And now she knows I care, for a big girl Fill my box with dairy chocs and eat me up I'll gladly try to be, your Walnut Whirl All she wanted was someone to love and hold her tight And now she knows I care, for a big girl Fill my box with dairy chocs and eat me up I'll gladly try to be, your Walnut Whirl All she wanted was someone to love and hold her tight And now...