A drop of rain a sheet of ice, You float through life, you've been here twice No broken bones you're on your own You settle down and make a loving home You run your hands through swaying corn, You know you have to die to be reborn Are you so beatiful tomorrow? What goes around comes around, All the clichés of the world and dumbing down I know your mind I know your tricks, Your verbal sound bytes you lying git The puncture wound the h**n, Unsettled bills the mortal sin The trail of slime where you have been, Did I say the right thing?
You rule by fear truth or dare, The purest words you've no idea Will you be so beatiful tomorrow? No substitude for honest toil, No antidote for idle hands In seconds life can turn around, Depends which way the coin will land Someone somewhere surely Must know what's going on The more I live the less I know, Are you sure I said the right thing? You run your hand through swaying corn, You have to die to be reborn You raise your eyes to heavens above, You'll have to come back here Cos you didn't give... love.