Let God Arise Let God Arise Let His Enemies be scattered But let the righteous be glad Yes let them rejoice with Gladness God has triumphed mightily (Verse 1 Let God Arise Let God Arise Verse 2 Let His enemies be scattered And let the righteous be glad Yes! Let them regoice with gladness God has triumph mightily Verse 3 It is good to praise the Lord And make music to your Name Oh God Most High To proclaim your love and faithfulness Through the day and through the night Verse 4 May I dwell in your courts Oh Lord Then to florish like the trees of Lebanon
Planted in the house of Adoni There to live forevermore Verse 5 Roni Roni Bat Zion Hariu Yisrael Simchi V'Altsi B'Chol Lev Bat Yerushalayim Verse 6 Rejoice Rejoice Daughter of Zion Shout aloud Oh Israel Sing Rejoice with all your heart Oh Jerusalem Verse 7 For the Lord has taken your punishment Destroyed your enemies King of Israel Lord of all is He In the midst of us He is mighty Verse 8 For the Lord your God in the midst of you Mighty is His Name Rejoicing over you with Songs of Gladness Singing Joyfully He will save us