Love is eternal sacred light Free from the shackles of time Evil is darkness, sight without sight A demon that feeds on the mind How'd it all begin? Started with a bang Couple of light years later, stars and planets sang Fire warmed the cold, waves of colors flew Moonlight into gold, earth to green and blue Love is eternal sacred light Free from the shackles of time Evil is darkness, sight without sight A demon that feeds on the mind Earth becomes a farm Farmer takes a wife Wife becomes a river and the giver of life Man becomes machine Oil runs down his face Machine becomes a man with a bomb in the marketplace Bomb in the marketplace Bomb in the mar... Love is eternal sacred light Free from the shackles of time Evil is darkness, sight without sight A demon that feeds on the mind Big Bang That's a joke that I made up Once when I had eons to k** You know, most folks
They don't get when I'm joking Well, maybe someday they will Love me Love me That's the main request I receive Well you know I love all my children And it tears me up when I leave But sometimes you gotta fly down that highway Free as a bird, knock on wood, thank the Lord I am driving along in my automobile It's a brand new pre-owned '96 Ford Check out the radio, pop music station That don't sound like my music to me Talk show host, what's that boy's name? Politics is ugly At the end of the dial there's the gospel show Maybe now I can exit and rest There's a blizzard rolling down off the banks of Lake Michigan Gonna cover the roads of the icy Midwest Love is eternal sacred light Free from the shackles of time Evil is darkness, sight without sight A demon that feeds on the mind Love is eternal sacred light Love is eternal sacred light Love is eternal sacred light