Well it's money makes them run
Makes them sweat and makes them come
Well it's money makes them run
Cracks the whip and points the gun
Well it's money, well it's money
Money makes them come
Well it's money makes them run
Gives them kicks and gives them fun
Well it's money makes them run
Blows their horn and beats their drum
Well it's money, well it's money
Money makes them run
Makes their world go round and round
Oils the wheels that grind us down
A little grease for the nuts and bolts
And sells their shows and buys their votes
Well it's money makes them run
Makes them sweat and makes them come
Well it's money makes them run
Cracks the whip and points the gun
Well it's money, well it's money
Money makes them come
Well it's money, yes it's money
Money makes them run
Money money
Money money
Makes them run
Makes them run
See them run