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All Patti Rothberg Songs
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Between the 1 and the 9
Between the 1 and the 9
Candelabra Cadabra *
Candelabra Cadabra
Change Your Ways
Between the 1 and the 9
Delicate Matters *
Candelabra Cadabra
Dish It Out *
Candelabra Cadabra
Eggshells *
Candelabra Cadabra
Between the 1 and the 9
Forgive Me
Between the 1 and the 9
Between the 1 and the 9
It's Alright
Between the 1 and the 9
Kung Fu Fighting
Looking for a Girl
Between the 1 and the 9
Moonage Daydream
Candelabra Cadabra
Nothing I Can Say *
Candelabra Cadabra
Out of My Mind
Between the 1 and the 9
Perfect Stranger
Between the 1 and the 9
Prayed Upon *
Candelabra Cadabra
Remembering Tonight
Between the 1 and the 9
Shadows of Me *
Candelabra Cadabra
Suffocator of Dreams *
Candelabra Cadabra
This One's Mine
Between the 1 and the 9
To a Muse *
Candelabra Cadabra
Treat Me Like Dirt
Between the 1 and the 9
Up Against the Wall
Between the 1 and the 9
Wry It Girl *
Candelabra Cadabra
You k**ed My Time *
Candelabra Cadabra