[SIRI Voice] NEW MESSAGE FROM 'MOM': Have a great day! I'll call you later! Have fun at cla**. I love you. Sending message... 'Okay?' It's always like this. She sends, caring, thoughtful paragraphs. He speaks like the Hulk. But I know he calls Mom almost everyday like he just needs to hear her. Then, he hangs up. NEW MESSAGE FROM 'BEST FRIEND': How are you holding up? Typing. Typing. Typing. It's always like this. He wants to tell his friends everything. He hopes they will always be there. Like family but not like family. NEW MESSAGE FROM 'MOM': Call me when you get a chance. Calling 'MOM'. Before he hangs up, he does not tell her he loves her. He does not tell her he is unhappy. I know that he is. I have sent the messages. I have made the calls. Two o'clock AM Three o'clock AM Five o'clock AM No one makes calls at five o'clock AM. Who are you calling at five o'clock AM? No one will answer. No one is awake. NEW MESSAGE FROM 'BEST FRIEND': I really think you should talk to your family about some of this. Or at least your Mom. Why can't you? Typing. 'I'm.. I'm not myself in my own home. My family doesn't actually know me; they talk to my shadow. The boy I leave behind. But I don't think I need them! I have the friends I've picked, and kept and clung to! I'm comfortable with them. I'm not comfortable with my family or.. I'm just scared to be.'
Do you want to send this message? '..No.' Deleting message. Sending message. 'I can't! I just can't talk to them! I can't call my Mom!' Did you say 'CALL MOM'? 'No!' Canceling. Opening voicemails. He does not tell anyone he still has ones from his dead father. He will not delete them. He will not delete dead grandparents' contact information. He will not delete anything. He is collecting memories and ghosts. Would you like me to search the Internet for 'GHOSTS'? GHOSTS. Dead. Haunting. Not moving on. Never moving on. Never letting go. He. Never. Lets. Go. NEW MESSAGE FROM 'BEST FRIEND': Maybe it's hard to believe, but everyone does love you. I mean, your family loves you. I know your Mom loves you. Just.. don't forget that, okay? Calling 'MOM'