Oh, can you feel it now? The cold wind in your direction From my rushing by Leaving a notion of time turned down In the trace of fake affection Are you still there now? Granting your loved ones The gift that you've gotten from me Nobody knows it It's lying there being possessed In the deepest of seas Buy me a spot in the moonland And promise you'll go when I'm there I know you'll be saying what I just won't hear In vacuum we'll be so sincere Pray for the sun to enlighten you Knowing what you see is from the past Eight minutes away from internalization With the glow that forever seems to last Projecting our landscape as shadows As darkness compared to its light Feeding from rationalization From concepts making this leading star ignite Never will you be lonely A mind in desperation Will be fuel to the fire in the sky It warms you, consoles you Constitutes the concepts That keep you free from guilt and will to die Keep the flame alive In ashes of words we are walking to our knees The bigger the fire, the more it devours Eating all the oxygen Choking its creative force Mountains building around us Contours of worn out concepts growing tall
The flame's way over our heads We're standing in the shadows Of the walls we've risen ourselves Gotta find a way out Deceived by the light In this platonic cave of words The flame's gonna die In the ashes we'll find The shame of our desires (Ille amat veret qui sine teste amat) No, I will not love you You never should expect my contributions To a dream we'll both one day wake up from Knowing that the supersensual Is just unreal Rush! Take me away to my moonland Where I'll be safe from conceptual lights Save what I treasured during my stay I might need a fire one day Alone with the truth Stripped down to its primitive core It's so cold outside The stars are all gone What's left is the light of my mind A glow in the dark Shining like love Like joy used to shine one time Only I know that this one'll go out I can feel it now The cold wind in my direction Once so decisive, now looking back Silently seized with misgivings of introspection I hold in my hand The match of the primus motor Don't come tonight Find your own moon And a superlunary fire of your size