Something so wonderful Is in my heart today Seeing just how far we've come Thanking God for what He's done There is a well deep in My heart that overflows Reminiscing through the years Overcoming doubts and fears Our spirits ascend Reaching to the throne of glory Singing praises to the King Come on let's celebrate and give God all the glory He is worthy of our praise Let's make a joyful noise to The rock of our salvation All creation sing His praises We want to share our joy with
Friends and family Giving love that means so much Knowing that the Master's touch Is the reflection of the Father's love inside We must let the whole world know And to generations show The Gospel of Christ Is the power that gives us salvation Out of darkness to the light We celebrate the mystery Christ abides in us the hope of glory This is the Kingdom key We have triumphant victory And the world will know us by our love That sets the captives free