Locos all, great and small, listen while I sing,
A song to you both good and true about our Pierce and King
High Locos, Ho Locos, listen while I sing;
A song for you that's good and true about our Pierce and King.
For Pierce and King we'll shout and sing while on our 'winding way'
So 'Coons' look out what you're about a win election day
High Locos, Ho Locos, listen while I sing;
A song for you that's good and true about our Pierce and King.
Yes, come next March, we'll take the starch out of Fillmore's collar
Old Scott we'll beat the very first heat and make the 'Coons' all holler
High Locos, Ho Locos, listen while I sing;
A song for you that's good and true about our Pierce and King.
Then Locos all—both great and small—let's shout aloud and sing
A loud huzzah! and hip! Hurrah! For General Pierce and King!
High Locos, Ho Locos, listen while I sing;
A song for you that's good and true about our Pierce and King.