Hear me, Jove's son, blest Bacchus, God of wine, Born of two mothers, honor'd and divine; Lysian, Euion * Bacchus, various-nam'd, Of Gods the offspring secret, holy, fam'd: Fertile and nourishing whose liberal care Earth's fruits increases, flourishing and fair; Sounding, magnanimous, Lenæan pow'r O various form'd, medic'nal, holy flow'r:
Mortals in thee, repose from labour find, Delightful charm, desir'd by all mankind: Fair-hair'd Euion, Bromian, joyful God, Lysian, invested with the leafy rod. To these our rites, benignant pow'r incline, When fav'ring men, or when on Gods you shine; Be present to thy mystic's suppliant pray'r, Rejoicing come, and fruits abundant bear.