Osama Bin Laden, is sitting in my house Osama Bin Laden, is as quite as a mouse I want to shower, and then go off to bed But all of my clean towels are on Osama's head Osama, did I invite you in? Did I say you could come over and turn my thermostat up to 85? And take a bath in my bathtub, with my bubbles, that smell like watermelon and papaya? Did I say you could use my loofah? Did I? Osama Bin Laden is drinking my cold beer Osama Bin Laden what the hell are you doing here Osama Bin Laden is watching my TV Osama Bin Laden, won't speak English to me He's on my table and playing air guitar
Like Slim Shady, he thinks he is a rock star Did I say you could play my saxamophone? Did I say you could stay here alone? And wear the dress that I have sewn? And use my phone, to call back home? Where all of the camels roam? Osama, Osama, Osama, Osama, Bin, Bin, Laden, Osama When I opened my door and came home from a long day at work Was I expecting to see Osama, on my couch? Eating my Lays potato chips, my last bag of potato chips? Putting his feet up on my coffee table? Watching himself on CNN? No, the answer is no.