Could you be but earth and rain? Fields of wind and barley grain Sunlit sparkles on the tree I would not say farewell to thee Could you be but oranges? Sweet and filled with promises Nightingales in harmony (Like back clouds on Calvary) I would not say farewell to thee Take me down softly, take me down I must take my leave Of the joys and the sorrow My love gave to me Could you be but August moons?
Gathered with my silver spoon Lyrics sung so easily (Be they one or twenty-three) I would not say farewell to thee Could you love me once again? Could you but remember when? The loneliness you touched in me (Kissed your wishes endlessly) I would not say farewell to thee Copyrights 2006 & 2011 Old Sand Mill Music, Ltd SHP Records/Brain Muscle Media/BMI Music International