All O'hene Savant Albums
01 O'hene Savánt (pronounced "Oh-Hen-Knee") (2015)
02 Os The Great & Powerful (2014)

03 Pisces (2014)

04 Illuminated (2012)

05 The Unknown (2012)

06 I Am Ohene (2011)

07 Mysterion 7 (2007)
08 Nina Simone By ... (2007)
09 Inner City Soul (2006)
10 The Rapademics (2004)
- 3rd Bar Invention
- A Great Mind
- A Two Fold Tale (Neo-Cubism)
- Amadeus/Sale Therapy
- Bonus Track of The Rapademics
- In & Out
- It Is "O"
- O.H.E.N.E = MC^2 (Intro)
- O.H.E.N.E = MC^2 (PCmix)
- Prologue
- RAHM Renaissance
- Rhymes 4.0
- The Epitome
- The Eraz Of Flow (Remix)
- The Go Off
- The Grandpop's Paradox
- U Got Exposed
- Waltz In O-Minor (3:4)