Don't let them get you down They'll step on you to get to higher ground Don't let them get you down They'll step on you to get to higher ground All my life I been a working man I been working for the man In this life you only get one chance Music is the brandy of the damned Don't let them get you down They'll step on you to get to higher ground Don't let them get you down They'll step on you to get to higher ground Don't let them get you down They'll step on you to get to higher ground
All my life I been a working man I been working for the man In this life you only get one chance Music is the brandy of the damned Don't let them get you down They'll step on you to get to higher ground Don't let them get you down They'll step on you to get to higher ground Don't let them get you down They'll step on you to get to higher ground Don't let them get you down They'll step on you to get to higher ground