Tonight, the drones make a nice tableau Of a neutered-down life. There's a cycle to go We were buzzed, to boot. Scuzzed out, and sweet-toothed When the wax split open and she entered the room And you know she's eaten all the royal jelly, oiled and ready Hot-smoking pheromone heady. Already got a swarm tight Packed like a city. Hanging at a wingspan. Sting that pretty Queen bee, keep a team of sisters in the wake. Them Mean bee battle-scarred b**hes quick to hate They work her like security, keep us all at bay The dance floor's open. We were doing the Rockaway Now all the other drones vying for attention Got the pollination dance out, no question Moves real slick but they still get taught a lesson by the Barbarella blessing of a ganglial injection Tough sh**. Fodder for the hive Staying alive requires more than leaning to the side Bust-a-move bodies line the walls, five high
I see an opportunity. The beat, it double times so I two-step out, and right away they know a problem The working girls intervene, I slip clean around them Moves like they've never seen. Grooves, yeah, I got them I hit the honey spot. The Queen's jaw's dropping Hand maids rush and clear a high ground sector Serving up the finest honey-pollinated nectar Waistband wax-gland tickle with her texture Sliding to the top spot, think you get the picture Tonight, the drone's bout to get his own Bout to take the throne. It's a nice tableau of a Royal bone. No more being blown. No more Being alone. And buzzing round and round the stone Alas!? Like the boys in the cla**, I was not built to long last And now I'm fading, fading, fading, fading fast She got a grasp. And a fanged caress. I take One last breath and I die with a smile on my lips