On my way to work on the streetcar, There was an accident up ahead. This caused the streetcar to be delayed, Because the cars were stuck on the tracks. So this angry lady starts to freak, Telling the driver to go around, Complaining about inconvenience, Refusing to listen to reason. Will it matter when you get home tonight? Will you remember you were so uptight? The police told us it might be a while. The pa**engers all got off to walk.
Angry lady kept right on b**hing, Threatening to call the driver's boss. Didn't see that it was not his fault. So wrapped up in being minutes late, That she didn't see the teenage girl, Or them zipping up the bodybag. Will it matter when you get home tonight? Will you remember you were so uptight? Will it matter when your name's carved on a stone? Or the oceans rise and fossilize your bones?