Such an amazing feeling to know the impact you've made on so many lives. Nothing will stop me from continuing to positively influence people and show them the way life should be lived!
I am so blessed to have people in my life that have been where I'm going and are able to guide me along my journey. I can't stress to you all how important it is to pick the right people to get advice from
I've learned the cats that hate on me, and are negative towards me; simply just don't understand what I stand for. It's all love here! I can't please everyone but I can make a positive impact on anyone who listens to my music, some just won't admit it. I swear messages like these touch my heart the most, thought I should share them with the world!
''Sukuncama kwedini, sukuncama kwedini. Yazi ndikhule ndithanda uMetro FM n ndandidla ngophupha ngabo bedlala ingoma yam. This was years and years back. These days I hear EWE being bumped by Glen Lewis and Unathi and eyona nto itsho kamandi is that bayayithanda!
Awunondiyeka ndihambe ndedwa ndoda.isizwe sakwaXhosa sidinga thina. If u leave then sishiyeka sibambalwa emfazweni. Your time is coming mjita. It's on its way. Sizosibeka phezulu esisiXhosa sethu. And wena kamandi igama lakho nguMaXhoseni. We no longer rappin for us ngoku, we rappin for the entire Xhosa clan. Sundiyeka ke ndoda ndihambe ndedwa.ndiding'umncedisi
Mandingayi kwezinye iintlanga xa ndifuna iFeature. JR and Khuli, No more Hunger. Two tswanas on a track. Jabba is there too for tswana.Tuks. Thina??? IFani qha?? Hayi ndoda
Masiyeni phambili nathi. I need you in this game mtshana. Whatever's bringing u down,fck it! Uyafuneka kuleGame. Xa ufikile kwelicala give me a shout sibucrenke sihleke sipushane siyeni phambili. Sho crenkist yam.'' – iFani
''Hey my friend, I know we haven't chatted in a long time, iba ngu 'hi' and 'bye'. Umntu nomntu ubusy nge hustle yakhe. But just remember one thing, I'm here, still got mad love for from back in the day
I remember when I heard 'Honey' for the first time, I fell in love with it, fell in love with the movement, and since then I got glued to your music. I still don't remember how we became friends though, but I'm glad we have that connection, u the best ever
We had our crazy chats, sometimes heartfelt deep chats, but hey these things happen. I remember when iFani and I were waiting for u in Waterfront and u told me "hay alok andina mfazi ndisenza iwashing yam rha" lol, crazy
And u couldn't make it to meet me, and then u left Cape Town. I thought I was gonna see u soon, but your hustle just won't let u come back. But I know one day u will come back, and we will have our crazy time. Anyway, I respect your hustle, I support u
This is me (your friend) talking and also your fan. Keep well buddy, and keep pushing, your day will come and u will shine among the stars. U been doing this for a long time, u've put in hard work, and it will pay off, just hang in there, I know u will make it! Much love! BLAQUE.'' – Portia Blaque-focus Klaaste
''Maxho...I don't know what to say but I you make me think that YOU are BIGGER than you think. For me you are well rounded, super talented
Because the dedication song by Sixfo it's make me think that you are BIG mfowethu. Sixfo is feeling you my man
Other than that the other songs are DOPE if just copied then on my iPod and the song "The Hustle" you can tell that you are appreciated
Keep it up mfowethu & you know ke wena xa ungadlela kuyavakala. Lastly, where can I get Sixfo's Album? Proud of you Son...Wow! I am even emotional after I've heard those tracks all of them.'' – Simphiwe Manini
''Did You Know? Maxhoseni aka Bongile Pateni from Cofimvaba has no manager, and yet has been playlisted on almost every Hip Hop radio and TV programme, performed on almost every major Hip Hop stage, appeared on almost every Hip Hop publication in his country, appeared on almost every community and regional newspaper around South Africa. The power you have is greater than you think. Mayphakame ilali.'' – Luckeez Mfowethu
''Said before, he's not the best rapper but damn he works hard, puts the hours, and hustles hard. Now booked for Back to the City Festival 2013
Hard work pays off. MaXhoseni represented well and has earned more respect of my respect for his hustle. Proud of you son.'' – Mthetho Ta-Chris Tshemese
''Shout out to Bongile Pateni well known as MaXhoseni
One of abantu endingasoze ndibalibale, ungomnye wabantu bok'qala ukukholelwa kulo Test ndinguye
My first Beat kwi ngoma yam yok'qala ‘Kuzobe Kubenini' ndayenzelwa ngu MaXhoseni. Ndingena Mali kodwa wathi uzondenzela for free
My first interview kwi radio, MaXhoseni was behind it. MaXhoseni was behind ukuya kwam emhlobo wenene ukuze kube kanti ndiyakwazi ukucela ukuba kudlalwe umculo wam
Ukuya kwam ebhayi for the first time, East London still MaXhoseni sisitya imali yee CD's zakhe singena Mali lol
UMaXhoseni umenzile lomntu ndinguye ndivele ndibe emotional xa ndisiva iingoma ezinje ngo ‘Big Brother' by Sixfo… Usamenza nanamhlanje lomntu ndinguye whenever ndincokola naye iingcebiso andipha zona zinkulu kakhulu. Ziyandakha maxa onke
UThixo amsikelele kwi mizamo yakhe yonke ebomini. Amgcine ngoba ndisamdinga. Ndiye ndizive ndimkhumbula kakhulu ingakumbi xa ebuzwa ngu Mama wam ngoba wayesemazi ethanda ukuza ekhaya
Ndisafunda nanamhlanje kumanyathelo wakhe, I love and respect uBongile Pateni. Apho umbona khona umhloniphe umenzile lo Test ndinguye.'' – Test (Un-decided Crew)
''I don't think I ever thank you enough…was just about to do something really stupid just now. Then I thought, ''what would MaXhoseni say about this sh**?'' – Sixfo
''I owe my success to MaXhoseni, if it wasn't for him…I'd still be sitting at home listening to myself.'' – Sixfo
''One thing that most people don't know is how you helped me complete my first varsity a**ignment…that's my big brother. #kanyewestvoice.'' – Sixfo
''The world needs less ****s, and more MaXhoseni's…big ups to my big brother, the guy who got me here in the first place. – Sixfo
''I just want to thank you bra, for the support…believing in me and being there for me when people turned their backs on me..For being the one person who agreed to do the track that made me...Just thought I'd thank you again MaXhoseni – I ain't never had a big brother.'' – Sixfo
''Just wanna send a shout out to my bra MaXhoseni for hooking up this collabo with me and PdotO, I'm grateful bro.'' – Sixfo
''MaXhoseni's hustle I highly respect! He's come a long way yet so down to earth! #RealTalk'' - @Blaque_focus
''Won't stop doing music until I record a track like MaXhoseni's Xa Ndifile.'' – Froz
''Musicians like @Maxhoseni show love and appreciate good music and good musicians.'' - @YoungMelly_SA
''One of the songs that made me wonder how one puts words together so perfectly and raps. MaXhoseni – Honey.'' - @AndyMkosi
''HONEY never gets old brother-man. Timeless cla**ic. I still jam to it every now and then.'' - @mishpoetry
''Love is what MaXhoseni describes in HONEY.'' - @sibz_steez
Shout out to all those who showed love, then listened and downloaded the following tracks!
''Never Give Up'' by MaXhoseni, Young Gun (USA), Mapiwe and Owele (Anele & Neliswa from Idols)
''Pretend Like I'm Happy'' by Sixfo featuring PdotO
''Amagama'' by Odwa
''FLY Sister'' by JayTip featuring Dilaska
''Big Brother'' by Sixfo